
Donation to Knaresborough Town Museum

Our society donated £2,000 to the Knaresborough Town Museum

We are proud to report that at our Annual General Meeting on 5th April 2022 our Chairman, Brian Forshaw suggested to the members that we should donate £2,000 to the Knaresborough Town Museum, money which had been building up in our account over many years. Members present voted unanimously in favour of this motion.

Kathy Allday, Chair of the Knaresborough Town Museum spoke at a recent meeting and told us how the Town Museum Group was formed in October 2019 and how they have now secured the ground floor of the Castle Girls’ School, a Grade II listed building near both the Castle and the Courthouse Museum. The Planning Notice has been submitted to the council and they are hoping to open our new Knaresborough Town Museum early next year.

Our museum will be a community hub and exhibition space for celebrating the history, traditions and heritage of Knaresborough and surrounding areas. The activities we run include open days, family heritage days, school workshops, guided walks, research groups and oral history projects. Our ethos is inclusive. We aim to provide life-long learning opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds and foster a sense of belonging and well-being. [Knaresborough Town Museum]